over christmas i was given a whole stack of truly inspiring craft books. of these books world of geek craft has taken my interest, alot!
i have alot of men in my life. brothers, sons, husband, bestfriend, etc. lots. men who are important and interesting and funny. well, to me anyway. and as a crafter i've found it challenging to turn my favourite things (crochet & sewing) into gifts that they would truly appreciate. i am always on the lookout for new and exciting projects.
so this brill book has opened up a whole world of cool (not only girly) craft that i hope the lovely men in my life will be proud of.
my 1st forage is something i located whilst blog hopping.
a guitar hero crocheted scarf. on craftster.
i was blown away.
i was quite desperate to make it but who for....? thankfully my older brother stepped forward to take the bullet. so here is my own homage to geek chic and guitar heros all over the place.
my Guitar hero 3 - muse knights of cydonia crocheted scarf
the scarf is around 300chain then hdc all the way down the side repeated until you have your desired width.
then light and dark grey for the background details. i made sure i could fit 4 notes into each 'bar' but you can chose what fits you and the song best.
after some seriously obscure searches i found a proper selection of notescores at scorehero . from this link simply select which difficulty level you want and then pick the track you love. i tried to follow the score as faithfully as possible. i decided that each 'bar' could fit 4 notes and adapted the original score to suit. each note is a magic circle with 7 sc then ss into 1st and cast off. i then sewed in the spare threads leaving me with just dots in red, blue, orange, green and yellow.
having done what felt like a million of these i made chains to the various sizes needed. using a tapestry needle and the black wool i sewed each in place. chain 1st then dot over.
And that left me with this...
its the closest thing to cool i'll ever get.
cheers angie xx